2024-2025 Events

There's always something going on with Sisterhood! 

Save the date for these upcoming events, and watch your email for additional information. Dates, times, and prices are subject to change.

Sisterhood uses Wufoo for event registration and payment. Where possible, registration links are published here.

It's always a large and lively crowd when Sisterhood gathers to play Mah Jongg! 

All ages and levels of experience are welcome.

March 9

1:00 pm

Sisterhood at the Symphony: Music of the Americas featuring Copland Symphony No. 3

Boettcher Concert Hall at DCPA

Celebrate the music of the Americas with two distinctly American works by Aaron Copland and Leonard Bernstein plus two pieces by Mexican composers Carlos Chávez and Salvador Contreras. We have reserved a block of tickets in either the rear of the orchestra or mezzanine. You will need to register by February 15 to ensure our seats.  

Cost: $73 per person. Click here to register.

Questions? Contact Pam Giordano at pamgiordano@comcast.net or 303-921-5165.

Look how much fun we had in Golden! Our group enjoyed a VIP tour of the Coors Brewery in Golden and then gathered for a casual meal. Good food + good beer + good company = a GREAT time!

Sisterhood members expressed "How it Feels When I Pray" through colorful tissue paper collages. Art therapist and Sisterhood board member Claudia (Ayelet) Trevithick led the group in this creative, spiritual endeavor.  

March 13

11:00 am

Tour: National Wildlife Refuge & Eagle Repository

Rocky Mountain Arsenal, 6550 Gateway Rd, Commerce City 80022

Join Sisterhood for a fascinating one-hour tour of two amazing facilities -- the National Wildlife Refuge and the Eagle Repository -- to see some of the roughly 1.5 million items seized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, including endangered animals like tigers and their cubs, rhinoceros items, and baby turtles. The Eagle Repository, the second part of the tour, is a unique facility operated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to distribute golden eagle and bald eagle feathers to Native Americans and Alaska Natives.

We will meet at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal. After the tour, our group will enjoy lunch together at Misaki Sushi at the Stanley Marketplace.

Cost: FREE (optional lunch is Dutch treat). Click here to register.

Questions? Contact Michele Maisel at maiselm35@gmail.com or 847-902-0951.

March 16

11:00 am

Purim Hamantaschen & Rugelach Sale

Pre-order professionally baked hamantaschen and rugelach through Sisterhood's incredible connections! These baked goods make wonderful treats and gifts during the Purim season. Orders can be picked up at Temple during the Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 16 (exact pick-up time will be announced as it gets closer). The pre-order deadline has passed, but limited supplies will be available onsite for purchase.

Questions? Contact Susan Patston at spa7130@aol.com or 303-881-2860.
Volunteers needed! Contact Susan to help with sorting and packaging or to sign up for a sales shift.

Order scrumptious hamantaschen and rugelach during Sisterhood's annual Purim Sale. Pre-order by March 1 for pick-up on Sunday, March 16.

March 21

5:45 pm

"Sit with a Sister" at Shabbat Services

Temple Emanuel, 51 Grape St, Denver 80220

Are you attending Friday night services by yourself? Sit with a sister! A member of the Sisterhood board welcomes the chance to sit with you as we welcome the Sabbath togetherfor you are never alone in our midst. We'll meet outside the Grape St entrance at 5:45pm before services begin at 6:00; look for someone wearing a Sisterhood nametag. 

Cost: Free. No RSVP necessary. 

Questions? Contact Claudia (Ayelet) Trevithick at claudiatrevithick@gmail.com.

April 17

5:45 pm

Women's Passover Seder

Why is this night different from all others? Because it's just for women! Let's celebrate the season at our own special Seder for Sisterhood members and friends (daughters/granddaughters age 12 and up are welcome too). We'll follow our custom Haggadah and drink wine, enjoy traditional foods, and sing songs together. Tambourine optional!

Cost: $50 for members ($30 ages 30 and under), $60 for non-members. Click here to register.

Questions? Contact Beth Huerta at bisikoff@comcast.net or 770-712-8912

May 8

6:00 pm

Powerful Biblical Women with Rabbi Hyatt & Cantor Sacks

Hilltop Reserve, 525 S Holly St, Denver 80246

The four Matriarchs—Sarah, Rachel, Rebecca, and Leah—take center stage in this lecture by Rabbi Hyatt and Cantor Sacks. Their stories are said to offer examples of faith, perseverance, and audacity... and also challenge women of all ages to examine our own prejudices and insecurities. Learn what makes these iconic women so meaningful in our tradition and what lessons we can apply to our lives today. This evening is hosted by our friends at Hilltop Reserve.

Cost: FREE. Click here to register.

Questions? Contact Judy Rothman at jrothman11@gmail.com or 303-329-6063.

During a two-mile guided tour of graffiti murals in the RiNo neighborhood, Sisterhood members took in the beautiful Colorado sunshine while discussing art, history, politics, pop culture, and more.

We are always planning ahead! 

If you have ideas for future events, would like to join our Programming Committee, or possess special expertise to lead a lecture or workshop, please contact Sisterhood President Judy Rothman at jrothman11@gmail.com or 303-329-6063.

If you have questions about any event, email Michelle Zelinger and include "Sisterhood Event Question" in the subject of your message.